Saturday, February 29, 2020

5 Tips for Affiliate Program Newbies

5 Tips for Affiliate Program Newbies Today affiliate programs are the starting place for the majority of home entrepreneurs and beginners in Internet Marketing. This is mostly due to the small amount of work involved and the respectively easy income generated through it. But as easily and quickly developed and tempting it may seem, this type of business has its specifics as well and requires certain elements that are necessary to look for before starting to promote an affiliate product. In case you are yourself considering to embark on this new business adventure, we believe the below tips will be of use. Tip # 1. Promote a unique product to get better results. Promoting a product which is already being sold by hundreds of affiliates will not give you satisfactory results unless you have a unique proposition to make. A different product that only a few affiliates distribute is the main key to success in this particular field. However, this kind of program is a bit difficult to find as it is usually not in the interest of merchants to form such an affiliate in a short-term sense. Tip # 2. Effective and powerful affiliates tools. As soon as you become ready to promote, you may encounter another issue, finding yourself somewhat lost if you are new to the world of affiliate marketing. In fact, most beginners take months to realize their first sale because the merchant does not help them in their hard work. So, be sure to find a powerful and clear affiliates resource section. This will skyrocket your chances of success. Good communication with the merchant is not easy to maintain, but it is a must here. Try to find at least a few useful resources on Internet and affiliate marketing and refer to them whenever needed. Tip # 3. Some examples of effective resources: * Brandable e-books to give away or sell at a low price with your own affiliate ID links in order to generate leads and sales. * Sales letters provided. * Templates of the emails you send to your list( s), pre-written emails or even better. * Free promotional tips provided in order to make money without spending thousands at the beginning (a must for beginners). * Advice and tips on paid promotional techniques (dont spend all your money on something that wouldn’t bring sufficient results). * Redirect links through your own website. * Banners. Tip # 4. Good tracking software. This is a very important part of your affiliate business. You need to be able to monitor almost everything in your resources section: you need to be able to track your sales, see how many visitors have visited your site and also the merchant site, learn through which page they have entered the merchant site (here is the importance of the redirect links). You need to be able to view your payments history, and also how many people have signed up underneath you in case it is a two-tier affiliate program. Reliable tracking software will help you keep up with all those key points on a daily basis with just a click or two. Tip # 5. Cookies plus IP addresses. Today it is a common practice for Internet users to clear their cookies daily or weekly. If you spend money on PPC or any other paid advertising in order to win a customer, you do not want to see another affiliate steal the commission that you should have received. So, try to choose an affiliate program with tracking software which gets the IP address of your future customer. By the way, recurring commissions are a must if you really want to succeed in all this. And last but not least, try to find associate programs with a generous compensation plan and give preference to two-tier affiliate programs because this way you will get to be paid on two levels. We wish you a successful and profitable promotion, and don’t forget to enjoy your affiliate life!

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Separation of Church and State Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Separation of Church and State - Essay Example This strategy is applied by those who are as eager to separate church and state, as those who seek to integrate them more tightly. One of the other primary issues that is raised in this debate is the rather practical one as to whether or not church and state are really separated at all. It is suggested that the notions of political liberalism, democracy, and the founding principles of modern states are based implicitly on moral codes and mores derived from religious institutions. Thus, religion and government are not inseparable a priori. The second type of argument given in this vein offers that the increase in the number and percentage of religious practices which exist here in the United States, mandates a level of management if not expressly establishment from Federal, State and local governments. The number of individuals who claim a religious affiliation that is neither Christian, Jewish, nor non-affiliated has risen from 7% to 20% in the past 30 years (Walker 1). While it migh t be the case that such diversity is to be lauded, the legal intricacies that must be navigated to ensure that these various religious practices have the "free exercise" guaranteed to them by the Constitution while simultaneously maintaining supposed "neutrality" on the relative merits of any individual religion (or non-religion for that matter) has become fraught with inconsistencies and difficulties. In this paper I will briefly highlight and discuss some of these difficulties, ideological and practical, philosophical and historical, that have made this issue such an integral part of the national debate for decades. Thomas Jefferson, a founding father and author of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Freedom, was indeed so partial to this document, that the drafting of this document along with his drafting of the Declaration of Independence and the founding of the University of Virginia, were the only three accomplishments he wished to have listed on his epitaph (Owen 496). The document itself is divided into three sections; the first section lays out the incoherence and troubles that compulsory adherence, or support of a religion would create. While Jefferson and other founding fathers were perhaps committed to disestablishment and free exercise, very few of them were "neutral" on the topic of religion altogether. Even from the text of this legal statute, religiosity, if not explicitly religion is evident in the nature and language of the text as can be seen from the beginning of the statute: "Whereas Almighty God hath created the mind free; that all attempts to influence it by temporal puni shments or burthens [sic], or by civil incapacitations, tend only to beget habits of hypocrisy and meanness, and are a departure from the plan of the Holy author of our religion" (Nancy 13). Thomas Jefferson was undeniably "a believer," with all of the connotations and implications that that phrase implies. Thus, when we consider what modern or contemporary concepts are part and parcel of the phrase "separation of church and state" our language today differs in a much more secular direction than Jefferson's "wall" might initially have entailed. Another formative document that reveals the early history and potential mindset of some of the founding framers' view of Church and its role in the state derive from an early Treaty signed

Saturday, February 1, 2020

CGS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

CGS - Essay Example An African’s survival depended on perpetual migration and adaptation to the conditions one found in the new destination. On the slave ship, she depended on her skills in midwifery that she had learned from her mother to survive. Her destination in America was South Carolina where she was auctioned off to an indigo plantation. In this plantation, she has to adapt herself to her environment by learning the Buckra language (Hill 345). The aspect of migration here is not only physical and geographical but also mental and psychological. Aminata was forced to migrate from the native challenges of Africa to those of new diseases and illnesses. Aminata was forced to migrate from the indigo plantation when her master took away her baby. She abandoned her duty of working on the farm, which was the reason her master’s decision to sell her off to Lindo. Her new master treats her as a servant, which is better than a slave was treated. Under this status, she has to pay rent and take care of her own expenses. She has to relocate to Charles town where her new master resides. The outbreak of the American Revolution brings with it an opportunity for Aminata to escape from Charles town. Her master returns to the Carolinas while Aminata goes back to midwifery for survival. Her knowledge of many languages comes in handy to help her survive in Nova Scotia where she is involved in the writing of the book of Negroes. The book contains the names of blacks who have agreed to fight for the British army. The British were beaten during the American Revolution and they had to retreat out of the 13 colonies they had in America. They carried with them the black slaves who had fought alongside them in the war. These were the names contained in the book of Negroes. This serves as a reminder of the history of the black community in the USA and a unification factor. Her ability to adapt to different situations is one of the